Pannon Music Association

Debuting in New York City

Following its foundation the Pannon Music Association started fulfilling its mission. On our fund-raising tour both succes and failure awaited us. The potential sponsors showed various degrees of interests in our cause. Fortunately the Association found supporters who, apart from the financial support were able to provide us with the neccesary infrastructure and were willing to use their personal relations in promoting our cause. Especially important was the help offered by the leaders of the University of Pécs and its Chancellor. Successful grant proposals also meant an important support. The National Cultural Found of Hungary provided an outstanding support which served as the other pillar of completing our mission. All these combined efforts created the grounds for the Pannon Children’s Choir to be the first Hungarian children’s choir to perform in Carnegie Hall, New York. Our sponsors were joined both by companies and individuals, without whose painstaking efforts our mission couldn’t have been completed. It was highly motivating that they helped with their ideas and knowledge.We also got in touch with the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs which provided practical help through the Hungarian Embassy and Consulate. The Pannon Music Association fully managed to meet its first challenge. We would like to continue working in the same spirit to achieve our further important goals.
